The Moraine Valley Honors Program experience is not about doing more work or taking harder classes.
Instead, the focus is on doing work that is more engaging, involves interaction with your talented peers and makes clear connections between the classroom and the real world.
Aside from the benefits of taking exciting classes with outstanding students, the Honors Program also features low student-to-faculty ratios for Honors classes, priority registration to ensure you get the best schedule for your needs.
Honors Program participants recognition on your transcript and at the graduation ceremony and enjoy scholarship opportunities and competitive advantages when transferring to a university. Participants also enjoy social events and travel opportunities for local, state and national student conferences.
Students in our Honors classes year have:
- Restored native plant species in local forest preserves in Honors Environmental Science
- Surveyed student motivation in Honors Psychology and Honors Probability and Statistics courses and presented the findings at the Honors Council of Illinois Conference
- Visited Argonne National Laboratory in Honors Chemistry
- Attended world-class theatrical performances in downtown Chicago in Honors Theater Appreciation
The Honors Program accepts new students year-round.
Admission Criteria for Entering Freshman
Meet two of the four requirements:
3.2 high school GPA minimum composite ACT score of 25
At least a “B” or a 4 in an AP course or exam
Top 10 percent of high school class
Incoming freshman honors application
Admission criteria for Current Students
You need to have completed 9 credit hours of coursework with a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA. For program admission, students meet with the Honors Program Manager to fill out a brief application and to learn more about how the Honors Program can fit with their overall educational plans and goals. Visit MVConnect for more information about how to apply.
Once you are admitted to the program, you'll be able to register for the courses listed. Enrollments are limited to 20 or 25 students per section.
Each semester, the Honors Program offers a diverse range of courses. Students are encouraged to use the schedules to plan ahead so they are able to take at least one Honors course per semester. The Honors courses they take can help them earn credit in the various general education requirement areas of the associate degree.
Spring 2025 | ||||
Course Code | Title | Days | Time | Instructor |
BIO-112-160 | General Biology II | Monday/Wednesday | 9-11:45 a.m. | G. Bernard |
COM-102-160 | Composition II | Monday/Wednesday | 2:30-3:45 p.m. | E. DeVillez |
COM-103-160 | Speech Fundamentals | Online | Online | D. Jones |
HIS-101-160 | Western Civilization I | Tuesday/Thursday | 12:30-1:45 p.m. | J. McIntyre |
LIT-227-160 | Literature as Film | Tuesday/Thursday | 2-3:15 p.m. | S. Bundy |
MTH-151-160 | Calculus II/Analytic Geometry | Online | Online | B. Kurth |
PHI-101-160 | Introduction to Philosophy | Tuesday/Thursday | 9:30-10:45 a.m. | A. Smith |
PSY-104-160 | Life-Span Developmental Psychology | Hybrid | Noon-12:50 p.m. | M. Baker |
Fall 2024 | ||||
Course Code | Title | Days | Time | Instructor |
BIO-111-160 | General Biology I | Monday/Wednesday | 9 - 11:45 a.m. | K. Borgstrom |
COM-102-160 | Composition II | Online | Online | E. DeVillez |
COM-103-160 | Speech Fundamentals | Tuesday/Thursday | 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. | K. Appelquist |
MTH-152-160 | Calculus III/Analytic Geometry | Online | Online | B. Kurth |
PSC-110-160 | American National Government | Tuesday/Thursday | 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. | D. Schreck |
PSY-101-160 | Introduction to Psychology | Tuesday/Thursday | 2 - 3:15 p.m. | N. Shizas |
THE-107-160 | Film Appreciation | Online | Online | M. Shannon |
What is the Moraine Valley Honors Program?
It's a specially designed academic path exclusively for high-achieving students. Honors-only sections of key courses emphasize critical thinking and interpretation skills with creative problem-solving. Your love for learning is nurtured throughout the program, giving you a rewarding experience that prepares you for the future.
My goal is to transfer to another school with a high GPA. Why would I want to take honors classes?
Because you'll be graded according to the same standards as in a traditional course. You'll just have different experiences in and out of the classroom―experiences that will demonstrate to the institution you transfer to that you've got what it takes to succeed there as a junior.
What are some other advantages?
You'll also be given assistance in building a portfolio to help you transfer to a four-year school after graduation. In addition, there are social events with other honors students and faculty members.
How will honors courses be different from traditional ones?
Honors courses don't simply "pile on" additional work. The work itself is different because the population of learners, of which you will be a part, has different needs. For example, in a class that might typically involve a good deal of lecture, you might find much more interaction between yourself, other students and the instructor. If a traditional class typically evaluates students by way of a multiple-choice exam, you'll find that the honors section will adopt a different approach to assessing what you've learned, such as through a portfolio of your work. Another difference is that you'll be more responsible for your learning (no quizzes to test you've read the chapter), and with that responsibility comes a number of perks: you'll get to teach others, for example, or provide input into the design of the course itself. As you can see, the difference between honors and non-honors are qualitative rather than quantitative.
How else will honors courses be different from traditional ones?
Honors courses will have smaller enrollments.
Do I have to take all the honors classes that are offered?
No. Students who complete 19 honors credit hours (including completion of at least one learning community) prior to graduation are recognized as Honors Program Scholars. Students can complete as few as 9 honors credit hours to receive recognition as an Honors Program participant.
What are the qualifications for becoming an honors student?
If you are just entering Moraine Valley, you'll need to meet two of the following requirements to enroll in the Honors Program:
- a 3.2 GPA from your high school
- an ACT score of 25, or SAT score of 1050 (composite)
- completion of at least one AP course with an A or B (AP score 4)
- graduation in the top 10 percent of your high school class
If you are a current student, you need to meet the following prerequisites to enroll in the Honors Program:
- Nine hours of coursework completed at the college level with a 3.2 GPA
- Or, a letter of recommendation from your instructor.
I've taken advanced placement classes in high school. How will I know how many credit hours I can earn?
Moraine Valley will award credit on the basis of scores earned on the Advanced Placement Examinations. Current equivalencies are maintained by the Records and Registration department.
Does Moraine Valley provide any recognition to Honors Program students?
Yes! You'll receive special recognition on your college transcript. This certainly will benefit you as you prepare to transfer to a four-year college or university. In addition, Honors Program graduates are acknowledged during the college's annual commencement ceremony.
How do I apply?
You'll need to fill out the college admission form first. Then fill out the separate application to the Honors Program. As part of our application process, you'll need to present us with verification that you meet the enrollment requirements. Once you do that, you'll be eligible to register for honors courses.
What are the deadlines for submitting an application?
Because the college has open enrollment, you can submit your application to the Honors Program as soon as you apply to the college itself. Enrollment in honors courses is limited, so the sooner you apply, the sooner you'll be able to register.
Are there any special fees attached to these classes?
No, the regular tuition rates apply for the Honors courses.
Who can I contact for more information?
Email or call (708) 608-4191.